Betty Ann was a neighbor when I lived in Newport before retiring to Florida. She ran a gallery that was catty corner with my office and we would often chat through the day. In addition to her body of work - she also taught me about what I will call "commercial miniatures". Tourists would spend a lot of time in her gallery - but a profitable sale of a big painting to make a living from was rare.
But she had a trick up her sleeve. In her spare moments she would literally CRANK out miniatures. Using up paint on her palette and producing small boats on a dab of harbor water under fleecy clouds. And as a veteran Marine - American Flags on the staff. They were carefully priced to be something a tourist was likely to buy - even if they didn't buy the "big one". And as soon at the tourist left the gallery with their prized painting - she had replaced it on the wall with another. Not identical - but - well - pretty similar!
A treasured gift from her when I became a US citizen was one of her miniature flag paintings.
She still paints in her retirement. You can see her work on her website.